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Featuring an Ask or Offer

How to set a post to feature at the top of the Switchboard feed

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Featuring a post is a great way to bring attention to an especially helpful offer or important ask. 

It's easy to start and stop featuring posts, as well as to have multiple posts featured at a given time. Here's how to do it: 

To start featuring a post, simply click on the post and scroll down to the bottom of the text. Under "Admin Controls" click on "Feature Post". It will then say "Currently Featuring". 

Featured posts will display at the top of the Switchboard feed. It will stay pinned on the top of the feed, even as newer posts are added. It looks like this: 

You can set multiple posts to be featured, but only one featured post will show at a time. The featured post that displays to a given user will be randomly selected. So if you're featuring three posts, you might see a different featured post each time you log onto Switchboard. You can test this yourself by selecting a few posts to feature, returning to the main page, and then simply refreshing your browser a few times. You should see the featured post change.  

If you want to manage your featured posts, or see which posts have been previously featured, you can do that in the Admin dashboard under Admin :: Outreach :: Featured Posts. 

In that dashboard, you can see all posts that are currently featured, as well as all posts that have been featured in the past. You can also stop featuring a post from this dashboard. 

If you don't see this dashboard on your Switchboard, please let us know and we'll make sure it's enabled. 

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